Boxee Remote Now Available for PC/Mac (RF and QWERTY)
I just noticed that the Boxee remote is now available for individual purchase for PC/Mac as of today. Linux compatibility is not listed but I would think it should work since I believe it works as a standard HID device with no special drivers required. Maybe someone can verify that?

For those not familiar with it, it's RF (no line of sight required) with full qwerty on the back and Boxee Box users typically rave about the remote. I'm thinking about being an early adopter and ordering one now. Anyone else have any experience, advice, or feedback?

I found this guy that says he uses it with XBMC and loves it:

Amazon seems to be the cheapest at $39.99 and in stock:

Here's the news link and press release from today:
I just saw this on Engadget also. I'm very much in need of a remote and because boxee was built on xbmc, wouldn't that mean this remote may almost be perfect for xbmc control??

Does anyone know if it will work? I guess it might be a bit until someone gets one. But I'd buy one in a heartbeat if it was compatible and worked really well..
I'm pretty sure Amazon has been selling these for months in fact I know people who have gotten them months ago from amazon
Does this work on linux? Also would or work with atv2?
Nvidia Shield with Kodi 18
rflores2323 Wrote:Does this work on linux? Also would or work with atv2?

does atv2 have host USB ? does this remote do bluetooth ?
Been using this now for about 2-3months. Love it. Does everything i need. Using it on Windows 7 and the play button did not work out the box but this was easily remapped using event ghost. Also mapped the play button to launch XBMC when not running. The only thing that bothers me is the non back light QWERTY keyboard but as i only use a few keys on the back when navigating i've learnt exactly where they are. So light weight and the RF is brilliant for me as all of my stuff is tucked right away so no light of sight available.
Is that me or there isn't (besides the keyboard side obviously) any volume button on this remote?
Correct, no volume.

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Boxee Remote Now Available for PC/Mac (RF and QWERTY)0