Is Shade dead?
I checked the Git repo and it has not been updated since 6th Nov, 2010. So, it has been almost 7 months since last update. I guess it is no longer compatible with the nightlies and lack the new features that many skins are now having. Also, the support in this skin is not that much active. Is the development permanent stopped or will it re-start when the 11.0 comes out?
CPU:- AMD FX 4100 Motherboard: Gigabyte 78LMT-S2 RAM:-4GB Graphics: AMD HD 7750 1GB DDR5 PSU: IBALL 500W Display: DELL S2240M Storage: 1TB
bandelguy Wrote:I checked the Git repo and it has not been updated since 6th Nov, 2010. So, it has been almost 7 months since last update. I guess it is no longer compatible with the nightlies and lack the new features that many skins are now having. Also, the support in this skin is not that much active. Is the development permanent stopped or will it re-start when the 11.0 comes out?

I'm guessing Igotdvds has a lot on his plate i would hate to have to service 2 different skins while building a third
I wish there were some sort of update. This is my favorite skin. I love the feel of it. However, it's been acting wonky on some of the latest XBMC nightly builds. I have a feeling that as the skinning system is changed around, Shade is going to fall off and be forgotten. Hope that's not true though.
I hope not! Just discovered this skin. Using it with Eden to almost 100% satisfaction.... Smile
To correct the plot and cast in the "Information" menu of a given item, Hitcher has provided a modified "DialogVideoInfo.xml"

With this tweak, the skin please me so far. Don't know about new skin features tough... what are they?
Shade for Eden is under development. So, I think the skin is highly usable as it is now (i.e. V 2.2.2).

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