[MAC] Video playback in Pictures slideshow
Like some other users I´d like to play videos in the picture slideshow. Even with the latest nightly build of xbmc it doesn´t seem to work on my Mac.
GWAN submitted a patch for this feature and the ticket has been closed. Am I wrong that it should work?
SPIFF wrote "HEAD will also include the videos in slideshows...". What does this mean?
Please help. Thanks.

Hi and welcome to the forums. You'll have to check the 'Show video files in listings' option in picture settings in order to list and actually play them in the slideshow.
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The option 'Show video files in listings' is already ckecked and the video file appears in the listing. But after starting the slideshow with some pictures at the beginning the show stops with a black screen instead of playing the video.

When selecting the video directly (without slideshow option) in the picture files listing, the video plays as expected.
Please file a new bug ticket and feel free to cc me. I'll try to have a look at it on the weekend.
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thanks for the fast fix, but video playback is still not working. Even with xbmc-20110718-ce42254. When starting playback, XBMC crashes. I attached a tiny video-file to ticket 10116.
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Hi Clark2000

I have made a guide on how I made this work. Maybe you can use the info!?


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[MAC] Video playback in Pictures slideshow0