Search Movies by Source (DVD, Bluray)
Hi There,

Is there a way to add in the Movies submenu (alongside Genre etc) an option to just get a list of the bluray's or dvd's?

aTTilaz Wrote:Hi There,

Is there a way to add in the Movies submenu (alongside Genre etc) an option to just get a list of the bluray's or dvd's?


Not sure if you can add it to the menu like that unless you use a skin with that option (Like Transparency!) but you can do this using Smart Playlists.

You could do it by resolution (since DVDs are in SD, and most Blurays are in HD) or you could manually sort the files in folders for DVDs and Blurays and have the smart playlist look at that to sort.
Thanks mate,

I'll try your suggestion. I'm using Transparency! so should be able to add them to the submenu.
I've created a smart playlist as per the suggestion which is great. I have also attached that share as an option in Movies submenu. The problem is that when you select it just starts playing the first movie in the list. I thought this may be the case.

My question, is there any way to have the playlist bring up the list first then let me select the movie?

Thanks in advance.
if you use the Cirrus skin it has main menu options for "movies" and "HD movies". Not tried it, since I don't have any HD movies. But take a look

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