Once again: Help me find the right hardware
Hello everyone,

I've been a long time reader of these forums and an even longer time user of XBMC.
Now, the time has come to get me a HTPC and I plan to install Linux on it (or use XBMC Live). This is where I need your help. I've never built a computer especially for Linux or (or XBMC, for that matter).

My main requirements are as follows: 1080p playback, HDMI output, low cost, silence.

I understand that you should go for NVIDIA for XBMC Live? Are there any other requirements? I would be glad if you guys could post me some suggestions concerning hardware to get me going.
Maybe we could start off with the mainboard and video card?
I just found this thread which I should obviously have read before posting. I also posted in the wrong forum. Sorry for these rookie missteps No
Could one of the admins please move this thread over to the hardware discussion off-topic forum?

Let me ask a more exact question now: Does the GT210, suggested in the above thread, support DXVA? The "NVIDIA GeForce GTX 2xx series" does, but I can't seem to find any information about the GT210. If not: How future-save is this video card, if I get a weaker CPU like the Celeron?

...but as a long-time reader of this forum, you knew that, right? Wink

edit: Oops, too late! Now I just look like a jerk...
Nah, you don't. The posting wasn't there when you posted. I have no idea why, though :-)

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Once again: Help me find the right hardware0