Check DB version in commit logs?
Is there a log, or a section of the commit logs, that shows what DB version a build uses?

I'm trying to keep a semi-nightly iOS build in sync with two other instances of XBMC, using a shared DB. Last time I tried to upgrade it caused problems because the nightlies were different.

Anything that commits to VideoDatabase.h and alters the Version() line.
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Thank you!

Just to verify what you've said:
  • Look at Commit History of VideoDatabase.h
  • If I'm just interested in keeping all systems on the same version, look at the dates will be good enough. In this case, all main nightlies after ~July 30th are on the same version
  • If I'm looking for historic info - to find an old nightly using a specific DB, open the commits and check line ~725 for GetMinVersion. That tells you when the DB was upgraded.

Looking at the older files, looks like I last upgraded when there were 3 changes in a row, and the ATV was an older nightly. This upgrade should be much easier.


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Check DB version in commit logs?0