Blue Cop Repository add-ons fail
aTV2 details;
screen res: 1280x720
OS Darwin 11.0.0 Darwin Kernel ver 11.0.0
It is jailbroken, and currently running XBMC the latest version (i think 7, not sure how to check)

i encounter problems when i do the following XBMC>VIDEOS>add-ons> and then any of the add-ons i select ( ESPN3, FREE cable, HGTV, Hulu, YOUTUBE)
i get an error message stating:

SCRIPT FAILED: ( for example)

Am i missing something?
Install nightly build:
Ned Scott Wrote:Install nightly build:

thanks, how do i know if i installed it correctly.

and i am still getting script failure message, do i need to reinstall the plugins?
miordu Wrote:I am lost on how to follow those steps from wiki

this is what it looked like in terminal
Quinntin-St-Laurents-MacBook:~ SoloStar$ wget
-bash: wget: command not found
Quinntin-St-Laurents-MacBook:~ SoloStar$ wget dpkg -i xbmc-20110827-639950e-master-atv2.deb rm xbmc-20110827-639950e-master-atv2.deb
-bash: wget: command not found
Quinntin-St-Laurents-MacBook:~ SoloStar$

You need to SSH into the ATV2

Type in
ssh root@<your ATV2 IP address>
If you can't find the IP address try

Password will be "alpine" by default.

Then do the three other commands.
You can use lot of other tools for SSH into ATV2. I prefer "Putty"
To find out the exact IP used - connect the ATV2 to TV - go to Settings -> General - Network. You can see the IP address currently used. Do note that this IP will change if you reboot / disconnect and reconnect again since it may be controlled by DHCP.

along with the IP you would need to use port 22 for login to ATV2
manju_rn Wrote:You can use lot of other tools for SSH into ATV2. I prefer "Putty"
To find out the exact IP used - connect the ATV2 to TV - go to Settings -> General - Network. You can see the IP address currently used. Do note that this IP will change if you reboot / disconnect and reconnect again since it may be controlled by DHCP.

along with the IP you would need to use port 22 for login to ATV2

thanks guys i was able to install the update. i noticed a sutler change so I'm sure xbmc was updated but how to i confirm this?

and also do i need to reinstall the plugins, because i still am getting the error messages.
go to system, then system info to check the build date
I have installed the nightly build, but i am still getting error message: script failed. plugin I'm trying to use)

any other ideas?
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