1080p With DXVA causes unwatchable corruption
I'm really new to xbmc and i'm trying to get some 1080p video content playing on my tv.

My CPU is just not fast enough to decode 1080p video so I have to use dxva. This works beautifully in WMP and a few other players, if I enable dxva in xbmc all I get is horrible corruption!

Its a athlon 64 X2 based system (though i'm running in 32 bit) and I have an nvidia 9800 GT with the latest drivers on Windows 7. I'm running the current stable 10.1 release.

Can anyone help me get my video playback to look as beautiful as xbmc looks?

My Logfile On Pastebin


ERROR: ffmpeg[150C]: [h264] hardware accelerator failed to decode picture

Looks like you may need to upgrade your video card...what do you have on your rig?

check here:

Hope this helps if you need anything else drop me a line.
Proper Usage of a debug log
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That's odd. The 9800 ought to do DXVA fine. I use a 9400GT and DXVA works fine with it. I wonder if it's the video drivers.

Does the corruption happen with all videos or just certain videos?

I'm having the same problem, also with a 9800 GT. 720p x264 content seems to play fine. It's only 1080p x264 that has this problem. I have the latest drivers installed, and XBMC 10.1. I also tried with today's XBMC snapshot. Is there any additional information I can provide that the original poster did not?
Yup, a sample file that shows the problem.
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OK, I'll try to post one this afternoon, but literally every 1080p x264 video I've played does the same thing.
Sorry for the double post, but I thought it needed a bump.

I found a solution for this problem. The latest drivers from nVidia did not help, but the beta drivers (185 series) work just fine.

EDIT: Looks like nVidia just released the 185 series today, so they are no longer beta.

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1080p With DXVA causes unwatchable corruption0