Fairly consistent but unpredictable crashes
OSX 10.5.8
PowerMac G5 Quad
XBMC 10.0 (SVN-35648)

I'm having a very frustrating problem with my installation. My xbmc crashes sporatically, at one of a few different places. it crashes either, right when it is starting up after the xbmc logo, when it is going into the library view from the home menu (TV or movies), or when a video finishes playing. the frustrating part is that it doesn't always crash at each of these places, but it almost always crashes at one of them. I usually have to try between 6 and 8 times to get to the movie list, and once I am there I can pick a movie and watch it just fine.

xbmc.log: http://pastebin.com/YEuNBQ52
Crash Log: http://pastebin.com/qnrp4hCW
that is soooooooo old Smile try a nightly.
alright, I updated to the current stable 10.1 Git:e9e9099 and the problem persists. but i have notice the frequency changes depending on what skin I'm using, I like transparency! but that seems to be on the higher end as far as problem frequency goes. Back-row is the worst of all, I couldn't even get back to the settings menu to change it back and had to do it through the xml. PM3.hd seems to be working without issue so far. Ideally I would like to be able use some other skins so i'd like to find the exact cause.
I'm trying to stick with the stable releases because this problem has been present for me throughout quite a few stable versions, so I am guessing that it might not be something very common and is therefor not being addressed in the nightly builds.

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Fairly consistent but unpredictable crashes0