Any tweaks to make Update Library quicker?
Now that I've a boat-load of folders containing media, updating my library takes a while.. just wondering if there are any software tweaks I can try to speed up the process a but.

I've excluded a fair number of folders for show that are out of production, but that didn't help. I've tried removing the 'Clean on Update' function - that didn't help.

OF course I know that there are hardware limitations, and I certainly do nto expect a magical 2-second Update to be available. But you folks are pretty good at these things, so i though I'd ask. Smile

Windows 7 x64
Dharma 10.1
Transparency! skin

Q9550 2.5ghz, 4GB RAM, 3x 5400rpm Hard drives; 1x500gb and 2x1tb
Probably not helpful but the only things that sprang to mind..
1) Enable debug logging and then do a full scan, check the log and make sure that none of your media is causing the update library to pause/stall/hang etc. (There have been instances where .vob files have caused the function to hang from 10secs to 1min etc)
2) Change the way you update your library.. if you're using something like Sickbeard or Couchpotato to get media for you, allow them to send the update media command to XBMC for you.. that way YOU never have to manually update the library.

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Any tweaks to make Update Library quicker?0