Please Help With Keymap issue
I have XBMC all setup on a Revo running windows I have a VRC-1100 remote same one listed on

Every command works but the issue I have is I cant Use the info command now I have already found were the keymap file and also found were to create one in the User/appdata Ect. but i have no idea what to type in the keymap.XLM file or whater to change anykey to the I key so info will work I dont care what key will be my I key I just need to map any key to be an I key so I can add the IR signal to my harmony 1000. I hope i;m making sense.
Can someone write me the script i need to cut and paste in there or walk me through it you would save me another night of headaches
The i button on the VRC-1100 sends a right mouse click, which is not terribly useful in XBMC.

You've got two options. The first is to use the Harmony software to map some other button to the Info button. On my Harmony 300 I mapped the VRC-1100 * button to the Harmony Info button, then in my keyboard.xml I have:


The reason for mapping <eight> is that XBMC sees the VRC-1100 * button press as "8", presumably because * is shift-8 on a US keyboard.

The other option is to upgrade to a nightly build, or wait for the v11.0 beta to start. In v11.0 you can remap the right mouse click using:


Thank you SO much It worked I have just one more question I also want to add the menu button the menu that pops up when you hit C on the Keyboard Is this correct
to map out that menu button to 7
Thank you SO much It worked I have just one more question I also want to add the menu button the menu that pops up when you hit C on the Keyboard Is this correct
to map out that menu button to 6
Just to be clear The button I want is When Im in my library and my bar is on a movie If I hit C on the Keyboard A menu shows up with Add to Favorites, Movie Information Settings Ect.
Thanks EveryOne So much and Wow It was such a quick Responce Im loving this XBMC Im about to cancel my cable I have like 30 Differnt TV shows with like 500 Episodes and over 400 movies This program is truly awork of art But I cant seem to get the Weather Function To Work
Close :-) You want:


If you're not sure what the action should be have a look at the keyboard.xml in the XBMC installation directory C:\Program Files\XBMC\system\keymaps. For example, since you want the same action as "C" you can search this file for <c> and you'll find:


Thank you So So much my remote is perfect I now Have just one more issue In the Aeon Nox Skin Theres No File Option In Videos In the other skin When I added a Folder of Tv Shows and It didnt scan them to libray I could Go Videos then File Then Add it to my libray but in Aeon Nox Theres only Movies,TV Shows Recebdlty Added Movies ,Episodes Playlist and Addons But No File any Ideas I dont want to go back to using the defualt skin
I would ask that in the Aeon Nox skin forum


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Please Help With Keymap issue0