ATV2 (networked to an USB HDD)
I want to create configure an ATV 2 in such a way that will allow it to network with my 2TB USB HDD, without having a PC, Laptop, Netbook, or any additional energy sucking devices. I want to keep the additional hardware to a minimum. I am seeing info about connecting A NAS Router with a USB port, but Its not clear what connects to what and which would be the simplest or most energy efficient method. The third, and possibly the most important part of this desired configuration, is to avoid creating a wireless network, as I do not subscribe to a constant internet or wifi provider.

What (in detail) can be done to network an ATV2 with a simple 2tb USB HDD?
You should still have wifi (as in wireless network access) even without an internet connection. You could maybe try one these into an ethernet hub:

Instead of buying all that though you could sell the AppleTV and buy/build a PC with the money and have the 2TB HDD internal or external and share it from there if need be.
angstyandroid Wrote:I want to create configure an ATV 2 in such a way that will allow it to network with my 2TB USB HDD, without having a PC, Laptop, Netbook, or any additional energy sucking devices. I want to keep the additional hardware to a minimum. I am seeing info about connecting A NAS Router with a USB port, but Its not clear what connects to what and which would be the simplest or most energy efficient method. The third, and possibly the most important part of this desired configuration, is to avoid creating a wireless network, as I do not subscribe to a constant internet or wifi provider.

What (in detail) can be done to network an ATV2 with a simple 2tb USB HDD?

I have a router attached HDD that feeds my ATV2.

Specifically I have a Belkin N600DB router and a WD 2Tb HDD attached via the one USB port that my router has (the main advertised features for the USB port were for extra storage, as I have done, or for a USB printer that can be used by anyone on the network).

It is a very simple setup, and I chose to go for a wired connection using Cat5e, and then Cat6, cables. I upgraded to Cat6 as some of my movies (mostly MPEG2) were buffering. Alas that did not fix the buffering issue (which totally ruined the 'moment' for whatever movie I was watching), so I have ordered (but not yet received) a dedicated HTPC.

The reason I mention this is because I feel the ATV2 did not have enough processing power for everything I wanted it to do, however your mileage may vary.

Back to the ATV2 with network USB HDD; it works very well (with the previously noted exception), and, once jailbroken and XBMC is installed, it is easy to add files using the SMB protocol, then locating the correct folder and selecting the correct type (Movies, TV Shows etc).

As T800 mentioned you should still be able to have a wireless network even without the internet.

Hope this helps.



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ATV2 (networked to an USB HDD)0