[AppleTV1] No Remote
I have an Apple TV1 but i don't have the remote control. Is there a way to use it with a keyboard? For example, if I install Crystalbuntu or OpenElec, i can use the keyboard?
It's possible to use a USB keyboard with the original OS, but I'm not sure how it would be done without first doing some stuff via the GUI.

If you can borrow a remote you can teach the ATV1 to learn to use another remote. You can also set it up to use a smartphone or tablet as a remote. (both ATV1 and XBMC interfaces). There's also some universal remotes with ATV1 codes.

I would just install Crystalbuntu, since it's probably the best OS to have on there anyways (it's what I use on my ATV1). Then you can use the keyboard to turn on other remote options (smart phone, etc) or just use the keyboard (and/or wireless keyboard).

Don't forget to also get a Broadcom Crystal HD card, if you haven't already. It's the best way to supercharge your ATV1. http://wiki.xbmc.org/index.php?title=Apple_TV_1_FAQ#HD
Thanks! I will install Crystalbuntu.

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