Can't get the new Forward/Reverse to work

i'm using todays cvs from sf. (04-02-01), and i can't get the new fast forward/reverse to work... wondering what i'm doing wrong here... when i press the reverse or forward button on the remote, nothing at all happens, the movie just continue to play. keymap.xml is unchanged, it's the original from todays cvs. my remote works, cause the buttons named above work with xbmp.

i have the original ms remote on a v1.3 xbox with execute 2 pro, 4977 bios. i have deleted everything in t/udata except calibration.xml.

please help me with this one, i've reall miss forward/reverse! Smile
make sure
1. you copied keymap.xml to your xbox
2. ff/rw only worx with the remote control
3. and not while the osd is active

XBMC Project Founder (Retired), now head programmer of MediaPortal
keymap.xml is in place, it's the latest one from cvs (a couple of hours ago), and it is unchanged by me.

my remote is the original ms remote, always using it when using xbmp and xbmc. the reverse/forward buttons work in xbmp, (not in xbmc), so theres not a physical fault with the remote.

i'm not in the osd when trying to fast forward or reverse, just playing the movie(s). i have tried different types of movies with different codecs. none work.

and i have cleaned t/udata, except for the calibration.xml file. (it can't cause the trouble, can it?)

guess my box is in some kind of spacial flux... Huh
can't get ff&rw to work either, the reverse and forward buttons on the remote have no affect, the movie just plays on.
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ok, just built a new version, previous one was from 5 hours ago or so. it now seems to fast forward and reverse but the sound keeps playing (at normal speed) and when i press play it jumps back in the movie to before where i started the ff.
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(charly @ feb. 01 2004,19:58 Wrote:ok, just built a new version, previous one was from 5 hours ago or so. it now seems to fast forward and reverse but the sound keeps playing (at normal speed) and when i press play it jumps back in the movie to before where i started the ff.
no, you dont end up where you started from... when you press play you jump back to last keyframe (at least i think it is)...
i did a new download and made a new rebuild. (not using the build.bat as i did before), and guess what? it works!

great! and thanks!

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Can't get the new Forward/Reverse to work0