Sound for music but not movies or menus
I have a zbox AD02 (fusion), I'm outputting sound through HDMI to a Samsung amp with DTS, Dolby and a couple of the other main formats.

I can play music perfectly using XBMC, and I can get sound from all of the video on demand plugins that I've tried using.

I just cannot seem to get sound from movies. The movies are in ISO format, and I know that the sound on them is good as they all work perfectly on my old media player.

One of them did get sound during the DVD menu (Sorry, I cannot remember which one it is.

I'm pretty new to this (Only started putting media on the box today), so I do not yet really understand how to put up the system logs.

Is this a know problem, and how should I go about getting the log files.

All I have is a basic message saying that the audio won't play in a little popup box in the bottom right hand corner of the screen.

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Sound for music but not movies or menus0