Eden beta 1/2: No more "Movie Information" in context menu?
So I installed Eden beta 2 (and last week, eden beta 1). Looks terrific, and the MySQL is working just fine.

I don't see the "Movie Information" selection in the right-click context menu when looking at an entry in the movie library. Is the "movie information" screen from Dharma not there anymore? I haven't tried w/my remote control yet to see if the eventghost plugin still brings up the window; I haven't installed it yet on *actual* HTPC, just dummy ones running on my desk.
Make sure you've "Set Content" on the folder that contains all your movies.
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Hmm...On the PC that I created the MySQL database with (the server), I see "Movie information" in the context menu. On the PC that I mapped to the MySQL database in advancedsettings.xml (the client), I don't see "Movie information". I guess you still need to add the sources on the client HTPCs even though the database appears via the MySQL mapping; will do that.

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Eden beta 1/2: No more "Movie Information" in context menu?0