Eden Beta 2 ignoring movie.nfo and creating its own movie sets
The newest beta seems to be ignoring any movie sets I've defined via a movie.nfo and is instead creating its own

For example, here is a movie.nfo for Alien:
    <title>Alien (Director's Cut)</title>
    <set>Alien Series</set>
    <sorttitle>Alien 1</sorttitle>

Yet when XBMC adds it to the library, it puts it in a set called "Alien Anthology". It's also doing similar things to movies that I have no movie sets defined for. Like creating a "Disney Classics Collection" with movies like Beauty and the Beast and Dumbo

Is this a new feature of Beta 2? Because Beta 1 didn't do this

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Eden Beta 2 ignoring movie.nfo and creating its own movie sets0