Marvellous software!
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I am sorry it this is not the right place to put this, do not hesitate to move it.

I just wanted to testify how glad I am that such a beautiful, efficient and full featured piece of software has ever been written, and by an open source community.

In these times of darkness (sopapipacta..), the installation I have now works wonderfully and flawlessly:
- 1 in the living room
- 1 in the office (server oriented)
- 1 server in the room
- 1 on each laptop (3)
- official android remote on my phone
- other remote on my wife's phone and tablet

and everything is accessible from every part of the network. The android remote is just terrific and the dlna support allows me to control everything from everywhere and play it from everywhere to everything... Smile
Moreover, anyone who comes to my house to share some photos is amazed at how easy it is too see them on our installations.
I am gonna stop here, or I would talk about multiroom, shared db, auto feeder etc but I think you got the point... I am thankful !

I am starting to look at the source right now, and I hope I will be able to contribute in any way one day !

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Marvellous software!0