Can you run XBMCbuntu on USB on AppleTV1
Can I isntall xbmcbuntu on appletv1 by running it on a usb stick attached to the appletv?
kedda Wrote:Can I isntall xbmcbuntu on appletv1 by running it on a usb stick attached to the appletv?

You'd be better off with a *buntu optimised for the platform. Crystalbuntu is probably what you're looking for.....
Agreed. There are a lot of caveats on the ATV1 platform for rolling your own or XBMCbuntu. Both Crystalbuntu and Openelec have builds tailored to the ATV1.
Crystalbuntu all the way. Link in my sig. And no, I'm not affiliated Wink
The XBMC team, plug-in devs, skinners, etc. do this for us for FREE in their spare time because they want to. Think about that for a second before you start bitching...

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Can you run XBMCbuntu on USB on AppleTV10