Linux resolved - XBMC live + XBMCBuntu crashes in Movie folder - debug log attached
I have 3 xbmc boxes. 1 running xbmclive 10.1, 1 running xbmcbuntu 11, and one running the 11.0 windows client.
The windows client is not affected by my issue, but both other boxes are.

Every time I go into Movies in Library mode, XBMC restarts within 1-2 seconds.
Both boxes are running different hardware.

If I access my Movies in file mode, it is stable.
TV shows and Music videos are unaffected.

I have tried to clean the library, remove and re add the source, reinstalled XBMC.

The problem returns every time.

I found that i had a corrupt file in my movies directory. I moved all the movies from around the time it started, and moved them back 1 at a time.
Took a while, but I'm glad i found it.
If anyone has any ideas, I'm open to try. This crashing is driving me crazy.
I enabled debugging mode, rebooted the XBMC box, and entered the Movies library to duplicate the issue.
Here is the log:

I'm guessing I have a corrupt movie or something, but I do not know how to read the logs.

did I post this in the wrong Forum?
Nothing jumps out at me, but I could be missing something. You could try to isolate the issue by disabling add-ons, then re-endabling them one by one to see if one of those causes an issue. Maybe even try exporting your library, trashing (or just temp moving) your old userdata (wiki) folder, then re-importing the library.

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resolved - XBMC live + XBMCBuntu crashes in Movie folder - debug log attached0