Guest - Testers are needed for the reworked CDateTime core component. See... (September 29) x
HP IR receiver is bulky and has a red light. Alternatives?
The HP is on amazon for $23 or on ebay slightly cheaper without the remote. But that thing seems pretty bulky and has an annoying red light (which I could probably disable somehow).

Are there any other options still available on the market that will work just as well (in terms of response time, reception from different angles, etc). Maybe cheaper too?
IR receiver that comes with the VCR-1100 remote. under $30 bucks, and pretty small. It still has a light, but there are ways aroudn that.
I don't think there are any really small eHome receivers. I would stick with the HP and find somewhere reasonably discreet to hide it (obviously without obscuring the LED). The VRC-1100 receiver is much smaller, but it's not an eHome receiver so it's less flexible than the HP. Having said that, I use a VRC-1100 receiver with my Harmony handset. The Harmony has emulation for the ORtek VRC-1100 built in.

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HP IR receiver is bulky and has a red light. Alternatives?0