Win Update from NFO
OK where we go!

When i update my XBMC info whit a NFO file, It works just fine but then it remove the fanart and everything else it got when i scraped it from internet,

So my question is are it anyway to just update the text on a movie whit the NFO whitout change fanart/pic that allredy are stored from internet

/ Anton
Add the URL to the nfo file - see mixed nfo's in the wiki.
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(2012-05-04, 09:09)jmarshall Wrote: Add the URL to the nfo file - see mixed nfo's in the wiki.

Sorry but i can´t find it on the wiki
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(2012-05-04, 10:15)sho Wrote:

Thats awsome actully relly smart and worked exact as i wanted it to do!

But is it only me that think its relly strange that that option not are possible to set by defult iand let you combinate ether take first from HTTP if any other found in NFO take it or other way around

To add all this manually can take alot of time if you have a big dB

/ Anton
I must admit I do not understand.

If you have an nfo, XBMC will use information from that instead of scraping it from the internet. If the nfo only has an URL it will use that URL for scraping.
If you refresh (from the video information window), XBMC will ask you if you want to use the nfo or scrape from the internet.
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(2012-05-04, 12:43)sho Wrote: I must admit I do not understand.

If you have an nfo, XBMC will use information from that instead of scraping it from the internet. If the nfo only has an URL it will use that URL for scraping.
If you refresh (from the video information window), XBMC will ask you if you want to use the nfo or scrape from the internet.

Yeh its correct i use EMM to scrape so i get NFOs/FanArt and some other stuff to my XBMC but sometimes it don´t get all info of some reason or the other way around.

Like lets say i use Internet to scrape then tis find INFO/FanArt/Poster ok

If i use EMM its find the same but sometimes it not automatic add them to XBMC so thats why i think it shuld be a way to use both this on same time

So if any info is missing on the EMM scraper it got it from Internet or other way around

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