Make Home Screen Icons go straight to Files?
I just wiped out our XBMC setup on the Media Center I built for our house, and started over fresh with an Eden 11.0 install instead. I have it up and running fine, but I have not quite been able to get it as simplified as I had it before, which was imperative as I live with stoner roomates who get confused easily.

The Home Screen when XBMC starts has "Movies", "TV Shows", "Videos", "Music", etc. Right now when you click on these, you get taken to a list of sources rather than right into the list of files. How can I set it up so that when "Movies" is clicked, it goes straight into the video source I have configured with all of the movies in it, and so on for the rest of the categories?
Don't know about the other main menu options, but for "Videos", you can do this: System -> Settings -> Skin -> Home window options -> "Videos" button always goes to video "Files"
maybe a stupid question - but have you rebuild your libraries?

When you have library for TV shows - buton should take you strait to titles of your TV shows
(2012-06-20, 08:58)artrafael Wrote: Don't know about the other main menu options, but for "Videos", you can do this: System -> Settings -> Skin -> Home window options -> "Videos" button always goes to video "Files"

Has this option been removed in Frodo? I can't seem to find it anymore.
This seems to have been removed from Frodo. I'm not sure why. *shrug*

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Make Home Screen Icons go straight to Files?0