ATV3 hypothetical capabilities for XMBC
So, assuming that there is a JB eventually for the ATV3, would we expect that xbmc would be able to support 1080p and all of the other hardware capabilities of the ATV3? In other words, is the main gating issue with the ATV3 the JB and when that happens should we see a pretty expedient build of XBMC for it?
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Even though it only has one CPU core enabled, software decoding performance should be comparable to an iPad 2 or iPhone 4s. This means some divx 720 files and maybe some other stuff should be playable, smoother GUI, etc. Plus 1080P video output.

IIRC, it has 512 MB RAM, twice that of the ATV2. This will mean less out-of-memory crashes.

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ATV3 hypothetical capabilities for XMBC0