New settings minor nav bug
this is a very minor bug, but nevertheless, it's there.  to recreate it go to:

settings>my music>player>configure audio hardware

now press back and left so your focus *should* return to the player tab, instead it goes back to the general tab and does not refresh the screen.  minor, but it happens. this also happens in my videos.

another one, when in the "configure audio hardware" tab, press left, left and you can break into the blacked out system tab.


edit: another small bug in system recreate it go to the network tab, wait for the screensaver to come up, press a button and you are returned to the default tab instead of the network tab where you left off.

one more small thing in the network tab, it says "network informations" should be "network information"

also in system info, under the hard disk tab it says "harddisk" just missing the space so it should be "hard disk"

also under the hard disk tab in system info, there is a lot of blank space between "hdd serial:" and the actual serial number.  everything else looks is displays the value right next to the description, it just doesn't look quite right.

ps.  sorry, just nitpicky things that i noticed.
settings fixed, as are the strings.

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New settings minor nav bug0