Buffering issues
Having a buffering issue with home movies and not regular movies. It will play about 5 seconds then buffer then play 5 seconds, etc. very irritating. This is on AppleTV 4.4.4 (3330) 5.0.1 (9A46a), with a xbmc ver 11.0 compiled Apr 1, 2012, shows memory used 63%, total memory 245MB with 90MB free. It is cat5 connected so not a wifi issue. Movies are NOT HD. Also is NOT an issue with the old Xbox xbmc which I still have around. The files were converted to ISO with the same program I used to convert my DVD collection and I don't seem to have that problem with them. Have tried reboots too but no help. It also happens on the iPad and iPhone versions. Any ideas?
I'm guessing it's a stutter rather than a buffer. Since the source is DVD ISOs, my guess would be that XBMC is trying to deinterlace them, but XBMC on iOS just doesn't have enough power to deinterlace most content.

A debug log (wiki) of when you play one of the files should tell us some info. Maybe also run MediaInfo (wiki) on one of the problematic ISO files.
I will try the MdeiaInfo. I'm saying buffering because in the upper right corner, it pops up saying buffering and counting percentage. Again, it DOES NOT HAPPEN with regular movies converted to ISO.

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Buffering issues0