[IPAD 2] Personal Feedback and Quiestions
Just started playing with the iPad 2 iOS version of XBMC and all I can say is amazing. Love the layout and feel and its great now cause my daughters and son can watch there shows anywhere in the house. The only drama I've been told (by my 3 year old) is she can navigate it like she does other "native" apps. In time with me playing with it you can really tell it wasn't designed for touch screen and was wondering if this is something that is getting improved with future builds?

I've also noticed with some of my MKV files there is no audio? is this a iOS thing or a XBMC thing, or a me thing LOL
Also when you go through the options it still has audio output, should this be there, or is it more for the appleTV?
Another thing was when I loaded all my movie's it didn't load all the sets like it does on Windows? how can i rectify this?

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[IPAD 2] Personal Feedback and Quiestions0