Video Library Refresh
I also did that now with setting the content to "none" and setting it back to "movies". Well it worked but now it shows all movies as added yesterday.
Recently added movies is now pointless until I add new movies.
That's exactly the thing I don't understand... it is not a clean solution to screw around with the content settings. As you see, I've lost the info on when I added my movies. If there would be just an option to refresh all already added movies, this would not happen.
Cleaning will always remove library entries that can no longer play because the file path is no longer valid (with or without a source also in files view). If you remove harddisk F then anything in the library that was on that hard disk will be removed.

If you remove the source entry for harddisk F, but still have the drive connected, they can still be in the library. If you want to do something like multiple refresh by removing and adding entries back, just add back harddisk F as a source, and set content to "none" with this "new" source entry. As long as the file paths match up, XBMC doesn't care if it was the original source entry or not.

The source entry does two things: 1, gives you access to the file in file view, and 2, is how you define where XBMC looks for new library entries. Once something is scanned into the library the file path (its own "source entry" for that specific video) is saved in the database.
(2012-10-06, 11:04)Ned Scott Wrote: If you remove the source entry for harddisk F, but still have the drive connected, they can still be in the library. If you want to do something like multiple refresh by removing and adding entries back, just add back harddisk F as a source, and set content to "none" with this "new" source entry. As long as the file paths match up, XBMC doesn't care if it was the original source entry or not.

I've used this method once or twice in the past to refresh my entire library whilst keeping my watched data and I had no problems whatsoever.

When I follow the exact same procedure in Frodo, it cleans the library first and despite the sources being unchanged and 100% connected, XBMC removes every single entry and rebuilds my db from the ground up (losing all of my watched data in the process).
Mmmm... I'm on Frodo RC2 and doing a "clean" doesn't flush all. Maybe there is something wrong on your end. All my path are local (14tb of it). Are you using networked share?
(2012-12-31, 20:15)Tuxon86 Wrote: Mmmm... I'm on Frodo RC2 and doing a "clean" doesn't flush all. Maybe there is something wrong on your end. All my path are local (14tb of it). Are you using networked share?

This is not during a "regular" clean, as in settings > video > clean library. That works as it should.

This is when you set a video share to "none" within its content settings, then change it back to "TV shows" (when trying to force a refresh of an entire library). It cleans the library and removes every show/movie, then scans everything back in with no watched data. Previously when doing this, it would just refresh the entire library and keep the watched data.
Odd. That shouldn't happen. Especially losing the watched status shouldn't happen, even durning a full refresh.
(2012-10-05, 07:44)evilcult Wrote:
(2012-10-04, 23:54)ecopsorn Wrote: really.... why is there no such option to "Refresh" the whole library?
I was looking for the exactly the same thing a few days ago, the answer(s) i got is: Go to your files, set your source content to none, apply and OK it, then go back, and change the source content back to movies or series, xbmc will then re scan scan all files auto-magically, this, in essence is a "full library refresh"

Except this seems to remove all the thumbnails, so when you set the content back to movie files, and it rescans all your NFO files, it has to generate thumbnails, which, if you're on a Raspberry Pi like me, it takes HOURS. So imagine the use case where you wanna update a non-trivial amount of movies' meta data (for example their Genres), it's not feasible to find each one you edited, and click 'i' then refresh, but of course you can't refresh the entire library in any quick manner either.

This is very frustrating that it will do it for one, but not for all, in the same consistent manner. I don't think this represents a crazy use case: Manage the metadata in a Mac OSX App (viMediaManager), and then have XBMC be the front end / player / file host.

I've been fighting with all this for a week. Having to try out an idea, re-import.... aaand Nope. Gotta wait 12 hours again for scraping/background stuff to do its thing. O_O so annoying.
(2012-10-05, 10:37)Ned Scott Wrote:
(2012-10-05, 09:39)ecopsorn Wrote: I just have the feeling that this should be a part of the "update library" or "clean library" function.

. When people just want to update they probably don't want to wait for a large library to completely rescan. It's not often one needs to refresh more than a few entries at a time, which XBMC can handle individually.

Never good to assume too much about what the user wants. A lot of us want the update all button.

Even if it just updates the metadata. Imagine you add a new genre and put a lot of movies in it. Should you have to re-import an entire library, have thumbnails be auto-generated when the don't need to be, just because you updated a value in an xml tag?
(2013-03-21, 01:39)horseshoe7 Wrote: Never good to assume too much about what the user wants. A lot of us want the update all button.

Even if it just updates the metadata. Imagine you add a new genre and put a lot of movies in it. Should you have to re-import an entire library, have thumbnails be auto-generated when the don't need to be, just because you updated a value in an xml tag?

The way XBMC fundamentally works, an "update all" button would be identical to deleting your entire library and rescanning it in. When someone updates one entry that is what happens. It is removed, and XBMC loads fresh data. It is simply not a core function of XBMC to be able to update one value, for one video or for all videos. Changing this would be a massive task with little pay off. Most movie/TV show data does not change after it is scanned in. It's captured in time, something that is done once and most often won't change in the future.

A lot of users want a lot of things, but we can't please everyone, and we follow "the Law of Diminishing Returns" the best we can. If people don't like that, then those outside of Team XBMC are free to change the code themselves and submit it as a change back to the main XBMC.
and if it were me, I would add custom genres as video library tags (wiki), which are much faster and easier to manipulate.

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Video Library Refresh0