Win Duplicate Movies
Hi i did a quick search but couldn't find what i needed.

I have 6 x 2tb hard drives and have movies and tv shows on all of them (i use ember media manager to scrape before addign them). At the min i'm either upgrading from a dvd rip to 720p or 720p to 1080p.

This means that sometimes i have the dvd rip and 720p on diffrent drives. The problem is i want to create a list of all duplicate.

Is there a app out there that can do this? Or should i create one?

I would like to do this using a windows box and not a database query.

Thanks allot
Samsung LE46C750 46" 3D, denon 1909 7.1 av,
Xtreamer Ultra 2 Delux,
3 x Dlink DNS-323 = 12TB = 4500+ Movies and 16000+ TV epps
Shouldn't Ember do this? I know MC already does.
I would also think you could use the Smart Playlists feature in XBMC to accomplish identifying the dupes you have in different paths/resolutions.
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I'm in the same situation. Did you find a solution ?

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