Unable to add to library. No info found!
Hello All,

I recently updated the OS on my tower to Snow Leopard from Leopard (I know, way behind the times). When I did that it changed the SMB address name of my machine to something new (MACPRO-different string of letters/numbers). This made it so none of my library would work in "Library" mode. I could still see everything inside that mode, but it would tell me the file no longer existed (rightfully so… that address basically changed). Rather than try and manually change the address on everything, I reluctantly decided I would erase the database and start from scratch. Which I did.

The only problem with this, is now… it won't let me add items to my library. I set up a new location where I can see/access/play my library in "File" mode, but it won't let me add them to the library. When I hold the center button to ping IMDB and add the file to my library, it asks me to confirm selection of the movie… then it tells me "No info found!". Also, nothing in my library (in File mode) is generating thumbnails from the videos, and I also cannot mark items as watched. They don't automatically mark as watched after they are played either.

I am also unable to update the IMDB-esque add-ons. I click update, and it sits and 0%. I checked the network connection and it is working fine. I tried resetting permissions via Terminal as I read in another thread to no avail.

iOS 4.1.1
Darwin 10.4.0 XBMC PRE-10.0 Git: 4b032be (Compiled Feb 19 2011)
Installed via NitoTV


I think I got all the info I needed to disclose... please let me know if I missed anything. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

First thing I would do is update to the stable XBMC v11 release. You're using a very old test build.
I thought for sure I had already done that through NitoTV... so I just went back, updated NitoTV, and then XBMC. It went through the motions like everything installed/updated, but now that I'm looking at my system info, it still says XBMC Pre-10.0 Git:4b032be (Compiled : Feb 19 2011).

When I try to update the software via Terminal, I get this error:
E: Could not open lock file /var/lib/dpkg/lock - open (13: Permission denied)
E: Unable to lock the administration directory (/var/lib/dpkg/), are you root?

I tried changing the permissions of that lock file to no avail.
Are you SSH'ing in as root in terminal?
I am typing: ssh mobile@ip address, which puts me at the command line: Apple-TV:~ mobile$.
Is that right?

Figured that part out. Once I'm logged in as root I type this: apt-get install wget and it gives me this error:
E: Write error - write (28: No space left on device)
E: Can't mmap an empty file
E: The package lists or status file could not be parsed or opened.

**Edit again haha**
After some seaching, I cleared out 3.0G /private/var/mobile/Library/Preferences/XBMC/addons/packages and mobile/library/caches/appletv/video/localandrental. It looks like it is updating now through Terminal.
So far it seems to be working! I'll post a follow-up after I've had a chance to really browse through it all. Hopefully this does it!
Sorry for the delayed response... but everything seems to be working ok now! Thanks so much for your help!
Great - enjoy Smile
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Unable to add to library. No info found!0