Never ending scan
Hello all,

I have just set up my network last week with xbmc Eden on my apple tv 2 installed through aTV Flash. At first it was working fine but now I get endless scanning new content message. I cant play any videos as it says they are no longer available. I really would like to just nuke my Library and start again with all my shares set up correctly but I don know how to delete shares, or how to just clear all settings and start again. I did try and do an uninstall/reinstall but all my settings were saved.

Any ideas on what I could do?

ps. I would prefer not to have to ssh as I have never done that before.
Three ways to clear out the settings:

1. Face fears and use SSH. It's pretty easy, and the iOS FAQ (wiki) and/or the install page will tell you everything you need to type in.

2. Use Cyberduck (wiki) on your desktop, which will give you a nice GUI to work with, and use that to make an SFTP connection to the ATV2, in order to delete the userdata folder.

3. Rejailbreak and start completely over.
Thanks for the answer, just in Cyberbuck right now, what do i need to delete to get this working again?

Delete the entire XBMC folder
Thanks very much, I ended up doing it the ssh way. It literally took 1 minute. Everything is working perfectly now, thank you.

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