Strange Behavior XML
Hello guys,

I don't know who or where to ask but I have a weird problem and I have no clue what's going on...

I've successfully ripped several rtmp links form a website created a xml file and added it to livestreams!!! So far so good...all channels are working flawlessly, but after a few hrs...some of the links no longer work no matte rhow many times I try to open them in ATV2 or windows XBMC!!!
I've run wireshark again on those channels and found out that some channel IDs have actually that normal are there sites that change channel IDs dynamicallyHuh coz if it is, it defeats the purpose, I would have to constantly update the xml and I mean every hr or so!!!

What 's even weird is that without updating the channel IDs if I open the internet on my laptop (win7) and play those channels direly from the website using my browser chrome, the channel that I open immediately starts working on my xbmc ATV2 and Windows!!!! Now that's insane and it has been driving me nut...I have no idea why it's behaving as such!!! first I thought it was just a coincidence, but it is works like a charm if I open that channel on my laptop's browser !!!

Any clue or idea of what's going on here?

Sounds like its using cookies or something like that. Well its pretty sure some sort of protection against static links of the providing side.
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(2012-10-17, 10:54)Memphiz Wrote: Sounds like its using cookies or something like that. Well its pretty sure some sort of protection against static links of the providing side.

Thanks Memphiz, but how would cookies affect my ATV2..I understand that it would possibly affect xbmc windows, but atv2!! it doesn't make sense does it?!
The ATV2 has no cookie file to save various settings that the stream is probably looking for, while the web browser can.
Thanks Ned! Ok that makes sense, but how would you then explain that as soon as I open a given channel (that would not work previous on atv2 or on xbmc on my laptop), on my laptop's browser, it all of the sudden starts working on my xbmc (atv2 & laptop)!!!!
The server on the internet probably is remembering your IP address that previously gave it cookie info? It probably forgets if enough time goes by.
You know I thought abt that so I went ahead and changed my IP (through VPN) to a UK IP, on my laptop, before opening that channel on my laptop browser, and still as soon as I launched it on the br0wser (which now has a different ip that the atv2) it was ON on the atv2!!!!

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Strange Behavior XML0