Starting from scratch
Let's say I wanted to completely and totally wipe my ATV2 back to factory fresh and jailbreak and install XBMC from the beginning. Is there a way to do this?

How about just cleaning it of all traces of XBMC?
Kodi - be brave and help - update w/nightly builds
HOW-TO:Install_XBMC_on_iPad/iPhone/iPod_touch#Uninstalling (wiki)
Yea...I've see that. I wasn't sure if there were other "remnants" of XBMC besides following those steps that truly remove all traces of it.
Kodi - be brave and help - update w/nightly builds
In that case, restore it in iTunes. Be sure to save you SHSH blobs first (should be in the Jailbreak FAQ linked in the stickies), because iTunes might update it to a version that isn't jailbreakable yet.

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Starting from scratch0