Need some help on how to setup movies and pictures

Just installed xbmc for the first time. And have put Aeon Nox which is alright but if there are some skin that fits my needs better please say so. I want to use xbmc with: Movies (iso), Videos (mp4 and Youtube) and also Pictures. I want to hide everything else and I want as few steps as possible to get to play a movie, view a picture etc. I want to start iso's using the external player option in xbmc.

I have my movies structure like "Movies/Children/Ice Age 1/Ice Age.iso" where each movie has its own folder complete with "movie.xml", backdrops etc. But at current layout, this is not used in xbmc. It only uses the "folder.jpg" that each folder contains. When I select a movie from the list, it just opens the folder and shows the "Ice Age.iso" file....ideally it would show all the nice movie details (generated by Media center master - perhaps there is a similar program specific to xbmc?). If that isn't possible then I'd really like it to just start the movie right away. Is one of these wishes possible with xbmc?

Youtube is selectable from within "Video". Is it possible to have this as a menu item on my start screen instead?

Last question is about layout. Is it possible that xbmc shows thumbs of pictures and videos/movies instead of a textual list of files/folders? Like I'm able to using WMC?



1 & 3 should be fixed by doing
and select the option "use folder names for lookups" (or something like that)

press 'c' on the youtube addon. add to favourites. then go to "system-> skin options" and there should be some option to customize home screen where you can add that favourite as menu item
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Works like a charm, thanks Martijn.
One extra question though.

I have my movies divided into "Adult" and "Children" folders where every movie has its own folder, e.g. "Movies/Children/Ice Age 1/Ice Age.iso". The default movie functionality in Xbmc (Aeon) does not allow my to do this separation as I see it. What I really would like, is to have a menuitem called "Children" and then I can put whatever I think is appropriate for my kids to watch. I can do this on the folder - level. However, this means that the navigation has an extra step. For example:

Using built-in movie functionality, when I select a movie from the "Wall", it shows the movie details and text - and I'm ready to hit play. However if I look at the "Wall" from a movie folder (not via built-in movie functionality), when I select a movie, it enters the movie folder where I have to select the movie once again - and THEN I see the Movie details with text and play button.

Hope you get my meaning? Is what I want possible?

What you want are smart playlists. You can use them to specify movie details that apply to your children(all movies where genre is family or all movies that are in this directory, for example).
Yes, smart playlists did the trick, awesome, much better than my previous wmc setup! Smile
Thanks to all....

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Need some help on how to setup movies and pictures0