Req in2streams plugin

I'm new to xbmc and love it so far. I'd like to request a plugin for

If this is unlikely to happen for any reason, I'm happy to have a go at developing one myself. I don't have any Pythong experience but do work as a developer so have a fair chance of success if there's a good place to ask for suggestions / get input.

I have to say the help files I've found so far are a little generic and don't seem to include quite enough information for a complete newbie - eg what exactly should a video plugin include in the addon.xml?

So far, I only have the following addon.xml...

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <import addon="xbmc.gui" version="2.11" optional="false" />
  <extension point="xbmc.addon.metadata">
    <summary>Allows you to access your in2streams library</summary>
    <description>This plugin will allow you to access the In2Streams library from your xbmc. It requires an In2Streams account to actually stream videos</description>
    <disclaimer>This plugin is provided as-is and is NOT officially supported by In addition, this plugin is currently in a BETA state so may be missing certain functionality</disclaimer>

Which I'm fairly sure is wrong (requires xbmc.gui? really?)

and resources/settings.xml...

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="yes"?>
    <category label="32001">
        <setting label="32010" type="lsep"/>
        <setting label="32011" type="text"   id="username" default=""/>
        <setting label="32012" type="text"   id="password" option="hidden"  enable="!eq(-1,)" default=""/>
        <setting type="sep"/>
        <setting id="debug" type="bool" label="32013" default="false"/>

with the appropriate language file (Which seems surprisingly simple!)

Anyway, if someone with some experience could provide either an i2s plugin or a good guide/advice on how to write one, it would be greatly appreciated (I get the principles, it's the implementation I'm unclear about).

Many thanks

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