Error report on library update
would be NICE to have a report of 'things I couldn't identify' on a library update. I've occasionally had things just be quietly 'ignored' and not scanned in (cause I had it spelled wrong or something else) for movies and tv. For music video's the scraper seems to hang with a 'can't connect to server' error and waits for a OK or CANCEL... totally messes up automated scans.
XBMC v12 will now note things in XBMC.log (wiki) (even if debugging is turned off) if a video isn't added to the library. Additional ideas are also being thrown around about how we can better present unmatched video data to the user for the future, so maybe we'll even have something viewable in the GUI.
How about:
Image [RELEASE] Metroid
Image [RELEASE] IrcChat
(2012-11-16, 06:42)Ned Scott Wrote: XBMC v12 will now note things in XBMC.log (wiki) (even if debugging is turned off) if a video isn't added to the library. Additional ideas are also being thrown around about how we can better present unmatched video data to the user for the future, so maybe we'll even have something viewable in the GUI.

That's all well and good, but buried in the log isn't that helpful to a lot of folks (but it's good that's it's being there).. more and more 'normal people' are looking at XMBC that wouldn't know a log if it bit them and have no idea how to get in the internals... there is a good need for the ability to get in there and muck around.. but something needs to be done with the 'consumer/appliance' view..... since you say 'so maybe we'll even have something viewable in the GUI' you aren't that far away really? there is the 'update library', 'clean library' would a 'display last library scan' be that hard? just pop up a scrolling window that shows the filtered log results in a readable form? ("Show Additions", "Show Deletions", "Show Failures")Huh??

Believe me when I say that it's something that's annoyed me about XBMC for years, long before I was a member of Team XBMC. However, it's not an easy fix with the way XBMC works. Making something that looks easy is often the most challenging.

Not only does a solution need to be coded, but it needs to be worked into the GUI in a logical manner. You also need a developer that wants to work on it and that has time. Just about all of our developers have their own long lists of things they want to do, and they only have so much time to spare on XBMC. Every day it seems like someone is demanding that their feature/issue be put to the front of everyone else's list. It just doesn't work that way.

The Team is also looking to revamp the settings UI so that things are easier and more intuitive. No matter how simple or "must have" the feature is, we can't blindly dump it on an existing crowded settings UI. Nor is this the only thing waiting to be added to the settings. Making a good GUI that looks simple is really hard. It's easy to say "but that's so simple" in hindsight, but someone had to come up with that "simple" solution in the first place.

This is not something that's been excluded because we didn't think about it or because we don't want to do it.

XBMC is open source, so anyone can give it a go, and if they come up with something good then we'll incorporate it for everyone. So far that really hasn't happened. The closest thing we have is Add-on:Missing Movie Scanner (wiki), and according to the thread for it, they're working out various issues still.

The source code is out there, so anyone who thinks that this must be done and is easy is more than welcome to give it a go. Learn a little bit about programming (you don't even have to be able to do it, just know what's involved), see the issues we face, and then try to come up with a solution that actually works and is usable by hundreds of thousands of users.

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Error report on library update0