Req Create STICKIES to wiki in all forums/subforums
It would be nice that Stickies existed pointing to wiki (relevant part) Windows to windows faq Linux to Linux faq or at very least a link to main page of wiki in all forums/subforums that can have stickied stuff.

Some of the existing stickies are well outdated and the wiki which is a resource is ignored as a sticky post.

e.g. outdated sticky Sad

Thats instead could be a lovely sticky pointing to wiki. Big Grin

Just a suggestion.

thank you.

That's the idea, and has been done for most of the OSes, but just not linux. I've been putting it off since I didn't know enough to really update the linux FAQ, but you've solved that problem for us with your recent great work on it :D

I'll throw up one for linux here in a bit.
Thank you! Big Grin

Im still working on Linux faq I have xorg stuff to add (I already did a update on

But I want to add this to wiki + discussion link somewhere problem is idk squat about intel what I came across already added. missing forum topics on nvidia and intel that have stuff for them.

Anyway I digress.

For another sticky it exist only on one forum should exist everywhere.

This should be stickied not just where it is, however Its not just Linux related as it suggests...

That topic (HOW-TO post about a problem in a useful manner) needs a once over, fix the extra tags that dont do squat, and if sticking to other forums it could contain info on how to get a debug log for relevant platform.

At the very least the read this before posting should include the how to submit a log and post about a problem.

Stickies like this should NOT have discussions for users imo because ppl would just use a wiki sticky to discuss their grandmother and nobody that has grandmother problems will read through some unrelated topic to see how-to fix grandmother problems... < overstatement I know but it happens a LOT.

generally speaking stickies should be reviewed for topics that are relevant and have 20000 replies a new one to continue discussion replace it or if its irrelevant removed or updated..

idk just a few thoughts, I know your ontop of things I just dint see a reason why this didnt happen, though admitedly Im a Linux forum general and Linux -live whore When I visit a windows topic I cringe. (is it right word cringe).

Thank you Ned, if I have any problems Ill speak out.

Ned sorry to disturb would it be possible to have a word with one of the freebsd devs, fneufneu I would like a few tips so I can wack on the wiki, but hes the bsd man, wwith thw pan and the info I need.

IF you see him ping him for me please.

5 minutes would be enough... thank you, I need some question o how to upgrade xbmc from older version to newer using their packaging system or compile?

yes sorry i'm little busy at the moment, i can answer question on IRC or PM.
HTPC: Asus AT5IONT-I | 4GB DDR3 RAM | XBMC git on FreeBSD 11-STABLE amd64
Home AV: Mitsubishi HC5000 | Denon 4810 | Monitor Audio GS20 GS10 GSLCR GSFX
The question is up there ^^ Big Grin

I wanted to add instructions to the wiki for BSD (and other non Ubuntu distros) to upgrade xbmc from one version to another (without upgrading the OS), but Im not familiar with BSD (I know its unix based as opposed to Linux based?) , doent have to be a long how-to just a command line 3 or 4 lines sort of thing. If BSD has such a thing as a repositories or whatever it is it uses.

I guess I would have to ask other people about specific Linux distros because again I dont have a clew.


Ok pretty simple:
first: update you port tree : portsnap fetch update
and then update XBMC: portmaster multimedia/xbmc

you can't up yet to xbmc frodo beta1 (port tree still in ver 11), but the update will be push soon.
HTPC: Asus AT5IONT-I | 4GB DDR3 RAM | XBMC git on FreeBSD 11-STABLE amd64
Home AV: Mitsubishi HC5000 | Denon 4810 | Monitor Audio GS20 GS10 GSLCR GSFX
Thank you very very much.

I will add that information to wiki, just in case a FreeBSD novice happens to stop by and wonder.

the Linux FAQ is mostly orientated around Ubuntu and I know ppl are using it on other distros and they all not made the same.

Thank you again




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