Bug during movie playback plya/pause bar goes on and off
very annoying i have to turn off my mouse and hit one of the arrow keys on my keyboard to stop it poping up randomly over and over again. android xbmc frodo beta 2 android mk808 stick rk3066 chip
That doesn't sound normal. Are you using a normal mouse or one of those "air mice"?
its a normal pc wireless mouse i dont have a fly mouse yet i think its kinda like when you move the mouse the bar pops up but on mine the mouse can be perfectly still and still pops up goes away for a few secound comes back
i have to hit one of the keyboard arrows because one of the buttons on screen play/pause ect is highlighted but once i turn off the mouse and hit the arrow key the button stops being highlighted
Same thing happens to me with an Air Mouse. If I put the cursor in the middle of the screen and turn the air mouse off, it still flashes the playback bar on and off. Is there any way to disable the cursor when XBMC is run and just use arrow keys?
disable mouse/touch support is a setting in system-system-input iirc
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well my mce remote also has a mouse touch pad so im running 2 mice debennet you dont happen to be using a hidebar app are you
I do have a hide bar app. Is that what is causing this issue?

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during movie playback plya/pause bar goes on and off0