Eden to Frodo MySQL Downgrade & Re-Update
A while back I updated 11.0 Eden to a Nightly Frodo build. But I ran into problems so downgraded back to Eden. As it was supposed to, it successively upgraded the MySQL library during the update to Frodo. And it also successively went back during the downgrade to Eden.

The problem is now that I am ready to try updating my Eden build to the Frodo again. Rather than updating my current library again, it's using the old library that it updated the last time I tested Frodo, which is very out of date.

My guess on fixing it, is to downgrade back to Eden (which I have already done). Then delete the library that was created by Frodo the last time, & update again so that it updates my current video library instead of using the one it created last time. But I am uncertain which MYSQL library to delete. The log file of XBMC Eden does not seem to show the name of the MYSQL library that it is using.

I have...

My best guess is that Eden is using Myvideos60 and I should delete the others. But it is a very big library, and I would like to be sure this will work & that I am deleting the correct library's before I go messing with things.

I did the upgrade downgrade several times already.

You are correct. Eden stable uses 60. Just delete 67 and 75 before the next update cycle (I simply use Mysql workbench on win7) and it should automatically update from the most up to date version 60
Deleting Myvideos67 & Myvideos75 did the trick. Thanks for confirming it aptalca!

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Eden to Frodo MySQL Downgrade & Re-Update0