Getting XBMC on my TV

I downloaded the xbmc client and installed it properly. But when i start an episode, normally i can drag it from my computer screen to my television.
Anyone got a solution for that or an easier way to do it?


>settings (from the home screen)
>>System Settings
>>>Video Output - Change the display mode

>>>Audio output - Change the Audio output
It worked to get it on the TV, but now i got the sound messed up. I tried manny settings for audio but still no sound from the TV or from my computer soundsystem
English, please.
Sorry, i retyped it
Right click on the speaker icon in the lower right hand corner of your desktop and click manage audio devices. Pick your TV as default device. (Assuming your using hdmi) Make sure DTS, AC3, and AAC pass through is unchecked in xbmc system audio settings, since your tv probably does not support these.
I can hear it now. But its still from my computer speakers not through the television, i use a normal computer not a laptop though.


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Getting XBMC on my TV0