Use filename as title

How i have to change the tmdb.xml to use my filename (e.g. Avatar.avi) as title? I've named my files manually and want to use this.

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Why do you think you need to change anything in tmdb.xml? Using the movie title as the file name works fine for the TMDB scraper; indeed, that's how it's designed to work. If there are multiple versions of a movie with the same title (e.g., remakes), then append the year in parentheses to the movie title file name to avoid ambiguity. Your example, "Avatar.avi", should scrape fine.
Hello artrafael,

Sure, that works fine. But i want to get the filename as the title in XBMC. Another example is "Alien 1.avi". The program find a film named "Alien" and got all informations about this. That's right. But i want to get the title in XBMC as "Alien 1".
The library will use what was returned from TMDB as the movie name. Since the name of the movie is Alien (not Alien 1), that is what is used. If you want it different in the library, you will have to open the context menu and rename the entry.
If you're going to use made-up titles for your movie files, then this will create problems for scrapers. You were lucky that "Alien 1.avi" scraped the information from the correct movie (Alien); you may not be so lucky with other movies where your filename does not match the actual movie title from TMDB. One way around this is to create .nfo files for each of your movies where you're not using the real movie title in the filename. For your example of "Alien 1.avi", you need to create "Alien 1.nfo" in the same location as the avi file with the following contents:
  <title>Alien 1</title>

Using a URL in the nfo file tells the scraper what the actual movie is, as listed on the TMDB site (also works with the movie URL on the IMDB site). The <title> tag is used to label the movie as it will appear in the XBMC library. See here for more information on using nfo files and including URLs in them:
Use the "justusefilename" scraper
thanks all. but it's a hard work to rename all films or create a .nfo for every file. i want to migrate my films to xbmc 12 rc1 with another scaper (TMDB) now. so i'm using a "fresh" database. my solution: scrape all films with infos automaticly. after this i'm using the following sql on the MyVideos75.db:

update movie set c00 = (
select substr(strfilename, 1, length(strfilename)-4) from files where movie.idfile = files.idfile

works fine for me. Smile


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Use filename as title0