Crystal HD Video Carca
I just installed a Broadcom Crystal HD -BCM970015 into my Apple TV 1st Gen - I believe my next step is to install drivers for it, can anyone guide me thru the next steps i have to take in order for this to function, many thanks in advance.
The best guide for installing the drivers for the original ATV OS is this:

However, you might want to consider taking Crystalbuntu (wiki) or OpenELEC (wiki) for a test drive on the ATV1. They both come with the required Crystal HD drivers. The ATV1 will preform much better with these linux based OSes and also be able to output a full 1080, rather than the upscaled 720 that the original ATV OS does. A linux based OS is also required if you want to use the upcoming XBMC v12, as the original ATV OS is based on Mac OS 10.4, and v12 needs Mac OS 10.6 or higher. You can even install the OS on a USB drive and leave the original ATV OS untouched.
Thanks for the help - i'll check out your suggestions

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