XBMC 12 and Screen Sharing
Hi there,

For quite some time (since XMBC version 11), i can not connect anymore via Screen Sharing or Apple Remote Desktop to my mac mini running xbmc. If i quit XBMC and restart ARD client on my mac mini then i'm able to connect to it.
It appears to be some sort of conflict between XBMC and ARD... My mac mini runs MacOS X Server 10.6.8 fully updated and this issue happens with versions 11 and 12 of XBMC

Can anyone confirm if this works for them or if this is a known issue.
You can't connect at all? I know there's issues with XBMC's performance when screen sharing is used, but it should still be able to connect. At least I've never had any issues with it connecting.
I forever use vnc to screen share xbmc running on Mac mini. No notable changes through xbmc 10-12. What if you do not use ard and just use vnc or connect through appleid if that is an option for you. Another option is to use logmein until you sort out the issue.

I do remember once or twice when xbmc had frozen and I was in a mess trying to vnc in to shut it. Ended up having to restart the mini. This is where I triggered a remote applescript to restart xbmc but that is not the issue here.
Macmini Server 2011 i7 Quad Core, OS 10.8.2, Amp Onkyo TX-SR308 USB WD drives 3x2TB TV Samsung Plasma 720p EyeTV Integration
There are only 10 kinds of people in this world, those who understand binary, and those who don't.

a couple of minutes after XBMC is launched, screen sharing or Apple Remote Desktop (both rely on VNC) won't allow connections.
i have to ssh into my mac mini, kill 2 XBMC processes and restart Apple Remote Desktop via command line to be able to connect to it.
restarting the mac mini will allow VNC connections until XBMC is launched and 2-3 minutes later i can't connect anymore via VNC... it's weird...

i haven't used Apple ID, i'm always using the account that is logged-on on mac mini
In System->Settings->Services->Remote Control. Have you allowed other programs access. I am not sure if this will rectify it. It would be useful to look at a log.
Macmini Server 2011 i7 Quad Core, OS 10.8.2, Amp Onkyo TX-SR308 USB WD drives 3x2TB TV Samsung Plasma 720p EyeTV Integration
There are only 10 kinds of people in this world, those who understand binary, and those who don't.

My Services settings allow programs on this system to control XBMC and do not allow programs on other systems to control XBMC.

Can anybody else with a similar configuration confirm that Screen Sharing or Apple Remote Desktop allow connections while XBMC runs?

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XBMC 12 and Screen Sharing0