Win XBMC has stopped working (when scraping)
Hi guys

Suddenly, my XBMC stops working spprox 10 seconds after starting. I have narrowed the problem down, and it seems that XBMC stops working when scraping from TMDB.

If I pull the ethernet cable, XBMC continues to work without problems. If I choose not to update the video library automatically, it also works without problems. It only seems to crash when I'm online and scraping.

I have tried to uninstall everything (including the profile) and install again. I have tried three versions of XBMC - Eden 11 and Frodo RC2 and RC3.

Of course I can still watch movies, but it's still a little annoying that I cannot scrape information from TMDB. Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Here's the link to my debugging log:

TMDB has been down for a while...

* un1versal wonders if now thers going to be a rush of posts about same thing... :p


Thanks for your quick reply. Does this mean that all I have to do is to wait? Or is there anything I can do to remedy the problem?

It looks like its back up now, try again, and no you cant do anything, unless you have access to the TVDB servers and fix whatever the problem is, if It was a problem and not scheduled downtime for maintenance or something.


Just tried, and the exact same error. I open XBMC, and my NAS starts spinning because XBMC is trying to scrape the videos in the source.

After about 10 seconds: XBMC has stopped working.

Debug log:

Any ideas? Can the problem be somewhere else?

Maybe there is some kind of Windows issue. If Windows detect that a process do not respond within a given time, it will be marked as "Not responding". This will happen faster if you also send keypresses to a process that do not respond.

There is a regkey that can be created that may help increase the timeout for a process that is detected as "HungApp"
The only error is related to PVR addon and failure, look at for PVR related breakage/fixage.

Scrapping wise nothing seems wrong not in that log anyway.


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XBMC has stopped working (when scraping)0