Can't Scrape by episode name?
I was reading this page over and over and can't seem to figure out how to get my TV to scrape

My folder structure is as follows

Modern Marvels>>Modern.Marvels.epsisodeNAME.etc>>mm.episodenameinabreviation.rar (mm.enia.rar for example if "episodenameinabreviation" was episode name lol)

Is there no way to get the scraper for TheTVDB to scrape based on first folder (TV show name) and by folder which has TV show name first.then epside name after?

I've tried everything, please help because I dont want to have to rename over 200 folders and/or files

also, I've looked into batch renamer applications and unfortunately with my situation they will not help with saving time
,,,Don't think any scrapers work based on episode name, certainly not for renaming files anyway.

TV episodes are only reliably picked up based on number from my experience. 1x1 etc, and 0x1 etc for special.

...could be wrong though.
what about how to get XBMC to read/scrape the name of the rar files instead of the video inside the rar files? or even the folder name of the episode?

otherwise i need to have to rename all folders, rar sets, AND video inside rar sets manually? (minus 'bulk rename utility' for the rar sets for a little help of course)
You should be able to do it by the foldername outside the rar. For a start, you want to get rid of the regexp block [/\\]* that is ensuring no slashes occur after the s01e04 bit. Then, realize that within a rar:// URL the foldername will be URL-encoded. This shouldn't be a problem though.

i.e. just make sure you rename with something that won't be hit elsewhere (e.g. s00e56 style naming).

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(2013-01-08, 05:49)jmarshall Wrote: You should be able to do it by the foldername outside the rar. For a start, you want to get rid of the regexp block [/\\]* that is ensuring no slashes occur after the s01e04 bit. Then, realize that within a rar:// URL the foldername will be URL-encoded. This shouldn't be a problem though.

i.e. just make sure you rename with something that won't be hit elsewhere (e.g. s00e56 style naming).


Thanks for the help, but I'm a little unclear on which file to edit that regexp block?

Also are you saying as long as the folder has the s12e17 name and rars are named s12e17 inside it all in the Tv show name folder I'm ok?

Ie... Modern marvels***Season 12***s12e17****s12e17.rar (s12e17.00, .01, .02, etc lol)

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Can't Scrape by episode name?0