Can I save a custom zoom amount?
I know I'm going to offend some here by asking about zoom - I've searched the forums extensively and many seem to be quite the purists about video quality - but hopefully not too much.

I like to zoom the extra-widescreen movies to eliminate the top/bottom black bars. I know, I lose picture at the edges. I have seen it mentioned that changing to Zoom in the OSD ViewMode will accomplish this, but for me it just doesn't get there - the black bars are smaller, but still significant. I seem to zoom most of these to 1.32 using the Zoom slider. I'd like to save this setting for easier use.

Is there any way (short of compiling myself) to either save the Custom Zoom mode to always be (or start out) at the same setting?

Or is there a way to add my own zoom mode to the several that scroll through with the 'z' key?

Thanks, Eric
In the OSD video settings window, scroll down and select "save as default for all movies".
I have seen this setting, but the way I read it, it seems to say that it will save the set zoom level as the default zoom level for all videos. I would like to keep the default zoom level at the standard 1.00 for all movies, but save my own person "Custom" zoom level at 1.32 so that when I watch a regular 16:9 movie it looks right, but when I watch a wider movie, my personal Custom zoom is in the standard rotation with the others when I cycle through them with the Z key.

Is this (or something similar) possible? Is there perhaps something I can add to advancedsettings.xml that will allow me add a personal custom zoom level?

just thought I'd ask one more time before this dies away...
You were already given the answer, sorry it wasnt what you expected, but none-the-;ess its the answer you asked for.

No, he's talking about making his own preset that he can rotate through. I do not know if this is possible or not.
Its about time one of the developers documented what all these things do or passed down the mystical information so we know what is what and can give definitive answers.

Looking at source its all gibberish to me.

I doubt it's a user accessible tweak, so it wouldn't mean anything unless the person could understand code and compile their own version.

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Can I save a custom zoom amount?0