"Importing EPG from clients" - slow
Hi All,

Still new to XBMC but I have my Dreambox and XBMC working well together Smile

However, Every time I start up XBMC it says:

PVR manager is starting up:
"Loading Channels from clients" then "Loading Recordings from clients"
These 2 are pretty quick. I guess it is looking for new channels not in my channeldata and adding new recordings - fair enough.

"Importing EPG from clients" - This takes a lot longer. I have a 7 day EPG stored on my Dreambox. And if I go to EPG in XBMC I can see my full EPG from a previous completed run.
Is it possible for XBMC to only update the EPG once every 7 days? instead of every time I start XBMC?

I have seen a Push Request which will change the logic behind the PVR manager startup. However, Lars already stated that this will be looked at after the Frodo release.

One thing you might consider is to change the value of the parameter "Days to display in the EPG".

To speed things up in your setup I suggest to change one of the following things in your enigma2 setup:
a) Create a bouquet on the dreambox with only the channels you want to use in XBMC, and then setup the add-on to only use this bouquet. I have seen that some people have channel lists with literally thousands of channels in it and I think only a fraction of them are really used.

b) Disable channel and bouquet-updates and edit the channeldata.xml manually and remove all unnecessary channels.

Of course this will not speed up the EPG import itself, but the less channels you have, the earlier it will return from the EPG import. Smile Using multiple threads to fetch the EPG from the box to speed up things is not an option - I already tried this and the result was that the enigma2 box showed the busy-spinner all the time.
VU+ / Enigma2 PVR Client: Documentation | Development | Discussion
Thanks for the suggestions Smile

Just turned my EPG days to import down to 1 for now.

I do have lots of channels on my dreambox so I think I will create an XBMC bouquet and add channels to it as I watch them. That way I can create a nice subset.

I found the github page for your plugin. Should really learn some c++!
Would it not be possible to store away when the EPG was last imported and if less than x days just return nothing? Instead of having to request information from the dreambox?

(2013-01-08, 22:08)natdeamer Wrote: Thanks for the suggestions Smile

Just turned my EPG days to import down to 1 for now.

I do have lots of channels on my dreambox so I think I will create an XBMC bouquet and add channels to it as I watch them. That way I can create a nice subset.

I found the github page for your plugin. Should really learn some c++!
Would it not be possible to store away when the EPG was last imported and if less than x days just return nothing? Instead of having to request information from the dreambox?

Guess this is possible - I will have a look after Frodo.
VU+ / Enigma2 PVR Client: Documentation | Development | Discussion
(2013-01-08, 22:24)jdembski Wrote: Guess this is possible - I will have a look after Frodo.

Cool. Also waiting on final release so I can build a dedicated htpc Smile

I also like this plugin - it`s great whats possible - also the channel icons look pretty cool.

But as the other users already mentioned - it`s not goot that every time I start XBMC all 1000 channels are updated,... Sleepy

Why is XBMC updating all the EPG information - if I just want to watch Youtube and do NOT open LiveTV Huh
Wouldn`t it be better to fetch data if the user is pressing the LiveTV Button?

It also would be great in the setup wizzard to select which BOUQUET are loaded.
I know you can manually input one - but on my system it ignores this and loads always all channels,...

            <servicereference>1:7:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FROM BOUQUET "userbouquet.erichs.tv" ORDER BY bouquet</servicereference>

Is it correct to put "Erichs" to the TV-Bouqut section?

Also very nice would be the possibilitiy to choose how many days the plugin fetches from the EPG.

Maybe disabling EPG would also be a good option.
If I need the EPG information because I watch for example TV you could fetch the EPG information in background only for this 1 channel.

If an user wants that everything is like now he could enable the LoadEPG setting Cool

I am using XBMC 12.1 on Windows right now.

GreeT`s ERich

I am currently having issues with "importing EPG from clients" too.

- The most annoying part is that this message does not disappear when watching a slideshow of phots, why?
- I would like to prevent EPG importing at all, I have checked at System -> Settings -> lIvew TV -> EPG and checkd all the boxes, but I do not find an option that actually prevents EPG importing
- Another useful option would be to actually import EPG, but do not display that annoying message at the top of the screen. How can this be done?
(2013-03-30, 17:03)eriche Wrote: Why is XBMC updating all the EPG information - if I just want to watch Youtube and do NOT open LiveTV Huh
Wouldn`t it be better to fetch data if the user is pressing the LiveTV Button?

That's the way it is currently implemented in XBMC - an addon cannot change this behavior.

(2013-03-30, 17:03)eriche Wrote: It also would be great in the setup wizzard to select which BOUQUET are loaded.
I know you can manually input one - but on my system it ignores this and loads always all channels,...

            <servicereference>1:7:1:0:0:0:0:0:0:0:FROM BOUQUET "userbouquet.erichs.tv" ORDER BY bouquet</servicereference>

Is it correct to put "Erichs" to the TV-Bouqut section?

I don't think that a wizzard is possible with the limited features of the settings dialog.

In your case you should add "Erichs" into the addon settings. Please make sure that you have checked the "Load only one TV Bouquet" setting - it is strange that you say that it always loads all channels. If this option is checked and an incorrect string is entered into the addon settings, then there should appear no channels at all.

When the addon is iterating over the group list and this feature is activated, it should produce debug output like
"Only one group is set, but curremt e2servicename 'foo' does not match requested name 'bar'"

Maybe you could provide a debug log?

(2013-03-30, 17:03)eriche Wrote: Also very nice would be the possibilitiy to choose how many days the plugin fetches from the EPG.

This would be indeed possible, but does not give any performance advantages. It is not the parsing of the EPG data which takes most of the time, but that the addon has to connect to the webinterface for each channel separately to request the EPG data.

It is possible to retrieve all the EPG data for a whole bouquet at once with just one call - back then when I tried it, the call to the webinterface took quite long for just a couple of channels. When I tested it with a bouquet containing something like 20 channels, the enigma2 box just crashed. That's why I chose the "query each channel separately"-path.

(2013-03-30, 17:03)eriche Wrote: Maybe disabling EPG would also be a good option.

If I need the EPG information because I watch for example TV you could fetch the EPG information in background only for this 1 channel.

If an user wants that everything is like now he could enable the LoadEPG setting Cool

I am using XBMC 12.1 on Windows right now.

GreeT`s ERich

I will make some tests regarding the "Load no EPG at all"-Option. Generally I think this should be implemented into the main PVR part, but I will check how fast it is if I simply return nothing in the addon if XBMC triggers an EPG import.
VU+ / Enigma2 PVR Client: Documentation | Development | Discussion
If someone is willing to test something:

VU+ / Enigma2 PVR Client: Documentation | Development | Discussion
Any chance of completely disabling EPG on Kodi 16 alpha 4?

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"Importing EPG from clients" - slow1