low fps h.264 playback
I've recently upgraded to windows 8 for an easier startup. Now when I play mkv file or anything in an h.264 codec my fps runs around 5fps. I had no problems before when I was running it on windows 7 and it also is fine with vlc, so I know its capable of playback. Any ideas what could be causing my low fps on HD playback?
Could be your audio settings, when you upgraded did you download the correct drivers for whatever your audio is going through?

What is your GPU? how is audio provided SPDIF/HDMI/analog outs?

For checking your audio settings see the sticky http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=146911

Its a Radeon HD 6310 integrated GPU. I've installed the drivers for the video, which also control the audio through HDMI.
Check your audio setting using the sticky http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=146911

Make sure the HDMI device shows using the AMD High Definition Audio driver as with Frodo the Realtek drivers should not be used.

Check what Supported Formats in Windows shows, this will then tell you what you can set in the XBMC Audio Output settings as anything formats not showing in Supported Formats should be disabled in XBMC.
Got it fixed. Audio was setup correctly for HDMI, forgot to disable the capable receivers options. Works great now.

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