New slideshow screensaver
i am happy that the developers added support for a slideshow as a screensaver, a feature i have wanted ever since i first started using xbmc. i'm referring to the 2005-9-27 version.

anyways, the problem is it will not start the screensaver when my script is called from this script just starts a slideshow upon bootup with xbmc.executebuiltin('xbmc.slideshow(f:\\pictures\\Wink') which i've been succesfully using for a while with previous versions of xbmc. this script is still working, but when i exit that script-started slideshow and do stuff, the screensaver slideshow will never come up.

however, if i remove my startup_slideshow from autoexec, the screensaver slideshow works fine. i can even manually run my startup_slideshow, exit it, and (after waiting) the slideshow screensaver works fine. so i added the screensaver call directly into (just pasted the line mentioned above) and now my problem is solved. it only seems to be a problem when called as a script from, not if its in or if i manually run the script. weird, but i've got around it so it's not really a problem anymore, but took a lot of time using trial/error to figure out how to make it work.

next issue. if i press back during an screensaver slideshow, it exits the slideshow. when i press back during a manually started slideshow, it shows a screen with the slideshow in the background, but no menu. i want the menu! what i want is the slideshow (screensaver or not) to show up in the background like movies/videos do when one presses the blue x button during playback. is this possible?
(enigma9o7 @ sep. 28 2005,23:18 Wrote:next issue.  if i press back during an screensaver slideshow, it exits the slideshow.  when i press back during a manually started slideshow, it shows a screen with the slideshow in the background, but no menu.  i want the menu!  what i want is the slideshow (screensaver or not) to show up in the background like movies/videos do when one presses the blue x button during playback.  is this possible?
i see the following in changelog_pm.txt file with 03oct05 release:

2005-09-30 changed: new homescreen pictures incl slideshow

i think this is exactly what i want. i want the homescreen pictures to be a slideshow instead of the default picture that changes depending what button is highlighted (or visualization when music is playing). but i couldn't find anywhere to set these files! i looked through the settings menu (running xbmc) and looked in xboxmediacenter.xml and still can't figure it out. help!

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