Frodo/2.7.0: No visualization on audio play
Hi all
just installed a fresh Frodo and Aeon MQ 2.7.0. Visualizarion is set to Milkdrop for Audio play. However, when playing audio and pressing Tab, Aeon is showing the default blueish backhround instead of he visualiization.
Any ideas?
Best regards,
Hi Sundance,

When you start a song you can get into the menu on the bottom of the screen.
In this menu goto the preset button and the milkdrop should start in the background.

Now when in home screen with music playing it should goto the milkdrop visualization in the preset amount of time (screensaver mode)


The button on the left makes you choose with visualization you want, Milkdrop, None, etc.
Try clicking the furniture option in the menu in the previous post.


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Frodo/2.7.0: No visualization on audio play 0